Over the last few months, I've been increasingly busy with university work, and my free time is full of people, mad rushing around between activities and commitments, and frantically trying to get the reading done for all my seminars. As such, I haven't had time to keep up this blog the way I'd like too. Some posts on here don't really reflect who I am or what I believe at the moment, such as my post on feminism recently. I'd love to write another post and reconsider what I originally wrote, but I just don't have the time. I'm also increasingly aware that the end of university and the days of Getting a Job are now within planning distance, and I'm not sure I want potential employers to read my fifteen-year-old musings on 'why my life sucks' - which is pretty much all the early posts. When I have time, I'll be looking through this blog and deleting/editing any content I don't want to keep online, and I probably won't be posting on here much in the future.
However, I am blogging on another site! I now have a 'writer's blog' where I will be posting poems, short prose and updates on my failures as a creative writing student. If you are interested, it can be found here.