Monday, 1 November 2010

Jesus is my Lifeline

I'm not sure yet what I'm blogging about this time - life at the moment is an ecclectic mix of school,music, reading, friends & their lives, faith, ideas hopes e.t.c you get the picture.

I'm really quite behind on all my school work, yet despite this, I'm feeling good at the moment. I'm not praying as much as I should be, but a little, and I know God is still holding on to me and waiting for when I next crash out. Except for little moments, I've hardly been depressed at all. June and July where the worst months of my life, a sort of black pit on a synaesthasic sketch of time, but I'm climbing up and away from them. I'm writing poetry again, between essays and other homeworks, and thinking of submitting them to a competition sometime. I haven't looked at what's happening recently, so I'll have to check it out. Meanwhile, in the real world, I have had the pleasure of watching two very dear friends fall for each other, and I wish them the best in their relationship. They deserve each other and I hope it brings them happiness; and on that note, I think I can safely say, I am happy again; the shadow of that breakup has left! Thankyou God: I am healing, maybe I am healed, and now I can move on.

So what have I been doing recently?
  • Visited Bath with my mum to check out Bath Spa uni (not too glamourous tbh), see the Regency & Roman tourist attractions and do that necessary bit of shopping
  • Visit Tate Modern for my birthday, which was epic :)
  • Re-think my uni options a bit
  • Write a session for our Christian Union, Emulate - hopefully it will go down well; the idea is that following Jesus isn't about being constrained by rules, it's about being free in God's grace!
  • Reading: The Great Gatsby, some Edgar Allan Poe short stories, One Day by David Nicholls, Kid by Simon Armitage & i'm now digging into A Short Introduction to British Politics :)
  • Practicing (not quite enough) for my Grade 6 flute and Grade 5 Saxophone, which, by Sod's law, are on consecutive days. Today my flute teacher informed me, in the politest terms possible,that the standard of my scales is EPIC FAIL. With one month to go, I don't rate my chances! :P
  • And generally living and breathing.
I leave you with a beautiful quote I found on Martin Smith's blog on the Delirious? fan page - 

When the world is changing, we simply have to fix our eyes on Jesus who is unchangeable and unshakeable. (Martin Smith)

God Bless & Peace Out.