Wednesday, 25 August 2010

Taking a Gap Year

So today it seems I have news, for once. Quite exiting news for me. This is news that hit me on the head with a thunk early this morning, and nothing is definate. But I am quite in love with the idea.
I want to apply for deffered entry to university and spend a year living and working in a particular Christian Community. It's called Lee Abbey; I spent a weekend there when I was nine, and I've now spoken to a member and read every word on the website, and I think I want to spend a year there. The place is perfect. I am filled with so many hopes and desires. And I think this is the right thing for me.
On the other hand, it is a long way away. Two years. I haven't spoken to the staff, been there recently - though I will hopefully visit this year - and I haven't done the big thing.
Nada on the ask God front. I'm trusting my intuition and the fact every word about God and prayer on the site makes me feel like I'm glowing, but tonight I think I'm sitting down with Isaiah or the Psalms and asking for advice.
I always put this off. I've asked God before, been sent there, and it generally means that somethings going to happen I can't control. When you ask God's advice you're letting yourself in for it; anything could happen.If you are reading this I encourage you to ask God for help in any decisions you are making. The answers come in different ways, sometimes through other people, but they are always invaluable. Place yourself in God's hands and you are safe. WARNING! Your life may be changed.

- I've been reading Isaiah 42, a passage which I think is prophecying Jesus. It is really beautiful, a great way to meet God, the spirit and Jesus as one. Check it out!

Please pray for me as I make these decisions, and for the strength to get through the next two years of school, which begin in less than two weeks time.

Monday, 23 August 2010

Something of an Introduction

Blogger assures me that thousands of people use blogs as a way of cateloging their daily thoughts, of somehow capturing and explaining them. Though I'm not at all sure if I need a blog, I think publishing some of my thoughts would be good for me; I doubt anyone will ever read this, but the creative excersise is healthy.
I would like to share things with the world. With every sense I experience, every memory and every decision I have ideas and emotions, that very very maybe could interest someone. Even if it is only one person in the whole wide world.

Something about that expression makes me seem lonely. This could not be further from the truth. I'm not blogging because I have no-one to talk to: even if there wasn't another human in the world I'd have my God. So I'm not alone, and if you accompany me on this blog, a little walk through my daily life and experiences, we will both have another companion in this life.

To the reader: This is an Adventure in Normality.